Systems that are evergreen and work 24/7…

You’ll go from having to launch all the time to keep your business running, not knowing where your next customer is coming from…

And having no reliable system that generates leads and revenue every day…

To having a systematic way to bring leads into your business…

And break through your current revenue ceiling… whether that’s 6-figures or even 7-figures…

So you can have your best month, every month…

…and do it while feeling GOOD, in harmony (and stressing less).

Just like the best-paid and most well-known online entrepreneurs are doing (many of them being my clients).

You’ll struggle with not having enough leads or worse 
yet not having the right leads…

While relying on cheap tactics and hacks that don’t work long term (and feel “salesy”)

Which means ending up with terrible customers who don’t ascend… don’t stay long… refund… and make you doubt why you’re doing this…

This leads to going through massive revenue highs and lows
(with no consistency or predictability)

And when this happens month after month, year after year,
you’ll get left behind by your competitors…

Ultimately, it means you’re stuck trying to fix
a business that’s not scalable

But I realize what we’ve been doing “behind the scenes” has allowed for truly massive growth and scale.
Something many online funnel ‘experts’ have never done.

Further, I have a perspective, alongside of experience that almost no one else has, understanding with both data, strategy and gut what will work for you and your business.

And I know this kind of information can help you create the kind of business… if not the kind of LIFE you dream of.

When does it start?

You’ll get immediate access to The LeadCraft Workshop recordings as soon as you complete your details. 

What’s included? 

When you grab a ticket to the workshop you get access to the full workshop recording. In the workshop I’ll be sharing all my strategies and frameworks for building high converting funnels. The same funnels all of my businesses both in those I advise and own.

How much is it? 

This is knowledge and experience I’ve secretly used for over 7 years now and done many millions myself. Plus many more for my students, and businesses I’ve partnered in. I’ve never shared this before. But right now you can get access to the live workshop and learn my strategies for just a one-time payment of $197. 

Is there a refund? 

Yes, if you attend and don’t think it’s a good fit for you, you can get a refund within 30 days.

I’ve Put This Together So You Can Crush It While Giving You EVERYTHING I KNOW On Building Marketing Systems Along With The Traffic Strategies That Turn Interest Into Intent To Buy.

And Once You Install These Marketing Systems I’m About To Show You…

This Is The Number 1 Thing That Determines How Far And How Fast You Scale, Because When You Don’t Have This… 

Everything You’re Getting When You Pick Up The LeadCraft Workshop

I’ve never shared this information publicly before and I’ll never share it again…

Frequently Asked Questions

The ones who chase clients, post on socials all day, yet can’t get enough of the RIGHT leads, have no stability and struggle to scale…

And the other type who just checks their Stripe sales, has an abundance of qualified leads and clients coming to them, and easily scales month over month…

What’s The Difference?

It really comes down to doing marketing the right way.
And the right way is whether you have effective marketing systems in your business or you don’t.

If you don’t? Your business will be unpredictable and a grind.


If you do? Your business will be predictable and effortless.


Why every online business needs good marketing systems to scale (and how to choose which one is best for you).

The 4 most powerful funnel types — why they work, what they’re great for and how to know when you need them.

How to plan, build, optimize and scale Low-Ticket Product Funnels so you can acquire buyers for free and off-set ad costs.

How to plan, build, optimize and scale Audience-Building Funnels so you can quickly grow your list, build authority and own an asset that pays you year after year.

How to plan, build, optimize and scale a Continuity Funnel so you can create recurring revenue (this isn’t for everyone, but when implemented successfully, it can help steady your cashflow and give you predictability while building a powerful asset).

How to plan, build, optimize and scale a ‘Fast-Lane’ Funnel allowing you to capture the hottest high ticket buyers without cutting off your lead flow.

The 6 types of traffic we exclusively use to scale 7-8 figure brands (PLUS how to use them and combine them to future proof your business).

How to leverage A.I to cut production time and scale faster.

(I’ve been masterminding with A.I Experts since 2020 and I’ll show you what we’ve been doing behind the scenes)

And much more.

What worked yesterday isn’t working today and that’s a promise. I own over 40 businesses and work with 100’s of Successful Entrepreneurs and the truth is… we’re in an entirely new era for growing your Online Business…

For Online Business Owners Who Sell Coaching, Mentorship, Consulting, Courses, Services, Information Or Transformation 

Give Me 3 Hours And I’ll Show You How I’ve Helped 100s of Entrepreneurs (In All Kinds Of Niches) Scale Their Businesses Past 7-Figures Using Just 4 Funnels And 6 Traffic Strategies

Every online business needs at least one combination of these ‘marketing systems’ to grow your business, create stability and have your best month, every month.

However, there’s ONE thing that ISN’T going to change and today I want to share it with you.

YES, I Want In

See, if you look around right now there are two types of experts...

YES, I Want In


Here’s What You’re Going To Learn
Inside The Workshop

YES, I Want InYES, I Want InYES, I Want InYES, I Want In

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YES, I Want In

At the end of the workshop, I will tell you exactly what you should do next and what makes most sense based on where you are in your business.

Which means you don’t need to worry about which funnel type or which traffic type you should build out.

I’ll show you what’s best for you.

So you can get strategy and plan to build a new marketing system – tailored to your specific business – that brings in fresh, qualified leads & sales allowing you to scale.

You can get all this for one low investment of just $197.

I’m Also Going To Help You Implement All This By Giving You A Personalized Assessment
(Value: $997)

You’ll get my strategies, frameworks and tactics you can implement without having to figure anything out. 

YES, I Want InYES, I Want In

I love the industry we’re in and the game we’re playing…

Since 2015 I’ve helped sell hundreds of millions of dollars of online coaching, courses and services.

Scaling dozens of my own businesses to 7+ figures…

And helping 200+ Entrepreneurs scale to 7-8 figures and many successfully exiting. I’m actively coaching hundreds of coaches every day and to be truthful, I’m seeing more Entrepreneurs struggling now than ever before.

That’s why I feel this is the time to “open the kimono” and share what’s working for us, so you can launch your first (or next) marketing system and crush it.

You’re going to get everything you need to target your ideal customers, capture their attention and turn strangers into buyers, predictably…

YES, I Want In

That’s Why I Created The LeadCraft Workshop…
To Show You How To Go From
 Inconsistent Revenue To Predictable, Consistent Revenue By Building Powerful Marketing Systems

This Is Perfect For Coaches, Experts And Business Owners Who:

Have a proven offer and making at least $8k/mo

Want to fix an underperforming funnel and turn it into a profitable revenue stream bringing in leads and sales everyday

Rely on a single traffic source and want to diversify and de-risk

Use launches and want to make them bigger & better (or ditch them to create more consistency in your cashflow)

Want to see the “magic” I’ve brought to thousands of Entrepreneurs who’ve crushed it and scaled their business.

Feel overwhelmed with all the information out there and simply want to know what to do and how to do it.

However, If This Is You, Then It’s Not A Good Fit…

Just started thinking about getting into coaching or selling information
Haven’t started working with clients and haven’t got any results yet

Doesn’t want to massively increase their revenue while doing less “hustling”

1. To give you the strategies and insight into the types of funnels and lead-gen sources we’re using to scale businesses today (they’re working well even though growing online businesses is more challenging than ever before).

2. To show you what mistakes to avoid and what you need to do to make sure your funnels are successful out the gate so you don’t waste money or time.

3. That you walk away with an action plan and strategy you can implement to bring in new revenue.

I’ve developed this to create a level of understanding, direction, clarity and certainty for your business you might not have had before.

These 4 Marketing Systems And 6 Traffic Strategies Are the EXACT “Building Blocks” I’ve Used To
Create More Stability And Predictability In My Businesses…

YES, I Want In

And In Less Than 3 Hours These Are My Three Intentions For You And Your Business

I’ve put together my 2 decades of experience building, scaling businesses and generating 100s of millions of dollars…

And you can get access to all this for a one-time payment of just $197

So, I Want To Get You In On The Workshop And Help You Launch Your First (Or Next) Marketing System

YES, I Want In

I’ve used every type of lead gen and monetization strategy there is… and this is simply the best way to scale while staying in alignment and flow.

After working on so many different businesses, in all kinds of niches and with all kinds of Entrepreneurs…

I know what works and what doesn't.

I've been able to experience the freedom & harmony that comes from having a business built in a way that allows me to live my life, the way I do...

And I'm excited to help you on one of the major pillars required for a successful business.

This workshop is for someone who’s finally ready to make ads and funnels work for them in a big way…

Wants to massively grow their income and revenue…

…and who wants to feel in harmony in their business and life, once and for all.

I’m certain what I'm giving away for just $197 will be worth much more to you.

If you attend the workshop and don’t see how this can help you grow your business, give you a clear roadmap to doing it or give you confidence to do it, then just send me an email and I’ll happily refund every penny.

Spend 3 hours with me and I think it’ll change your entire year.

YES, I Want InYes, I Want In

FREE BONUS: Personalized Marketing Assessment (Value: $997) 

3-hour LeadCraft Workshop

Access to private LeadCraft Community

Lifetime access to LeadCraft Workshop replay 

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